Trusting God In a Changing World

By Pastor Dorrell

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It’s amazing sometime how quickly life can change. We live in a face-paced and busy world, and the life we live can be very unpredictable. Circumstances can change, people can change, and of course we all know how quickly the weather can change. But, with sudden change often comes a sense of uncertainty or insecurity. For the most part, people like things to be the same and to know what to expect. When circumstances or people rock our world, we often worry and fret, or—even worse—we become angry and unhappy.

Thomas – Friend of Jesus

By Carol Becker

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While writing the script for this Easter’s dramatization I knew I wanted to study the life of Thomas. You see, I think if most of us are honest, we see ourselves in Thomas maybe more than any other character in the resurrection story. What comes to mind when you hear Thomas’ name? We all know Thomas’ label – doubter…doubting Thomas. He earned this reputation based on one incident in his life. I’m not sure that we should be so quick to label others. A label dismisses a person’s other positive character traits and diminishes the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in their life. A negative label defines and devalues a soul for whom Jesus gave His life, a soul He loves. I spent many hours reading about Thomas and studying the different times he is mentioned in the Scriptures, and I found out there was a lot more to the man Thomas than just one label.

God’s Word records three separate times that Thomas speaks. We can learn much from the life of Thomas and his relationship with Christ.  

Mary Magdalene – Lessons from a Servant’s Heart

By Carol Becker

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Who was Mary Magdalene? We do not know much about her past. Luke 8:2 does mention Jesus had healed her from evil spirits and infirmities, but that is about all we know. What we do know is that was her past; it was her old life. It did not look anything like her new life in Christ. Once she believed on Jesus her past no longer dictated her future. Thankfulness now filled her heart, and Mary desired to serve the Lord. She served her Lord because of her love for Him. We can learn some important truths from Mary’s heart of service.

3 Parts of a Worshipping Heart

By Jesse Becker

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Many people followed Jesus to varying degrees while He was on earth. There were the multitudes who were curious. There were the sick, blind, and lame who needed healing. There were some who Jesus specifically chose the follow Him so He could teach them and prepare them for ministry. And then there were a few who left all they knew and all they had just to be near the Master. They lived a life of worship for their Lord. What drove them to live that way?

Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus is the Same!

By Jesse Becker


The first cell phone I ever owned would make my children laugh today. It was rather large, had a single-color LCD screen that only displayed digits, and it didn’t have a single app. No angry birds here! I can’t tell you what happened to it since I’ve moved on, and obviously I don’t miss it. Today I use one of the latest iPhone models that does more than desktop computers did just a few years ago. Now it seems my entire life is on it—photos, music, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, emails, weather, and even music. Technology certainly changes and changes quickly.