The Power of Words

By Daniel Fleet


The words that we use are powerful and they have an impact on those around us. A hammer can be used to tear things down or build things up and our words are no different. The words we speak, text, or write can be used to nurture, heal, and protect, or, they can be used to ruin, tear down, and destroy. How you use your words will determine how successful you are in the relationship with your wife, kids, family, and co-workers.

How to Defuse Conflict and Make Your Marriage Even Better

By Daniel Fleet

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In 1 Samuel we read that David and Michal fell in love at a young age and were married. Difficult circumstances befell them and David made poor choices so that in the end David and Michal reached a point where they could not stand to be near each other. One narrative puts it this way: “And it came to pass, as the ark of the covenant of the Lord came to the city of David, that Michal the daughter of Saul looking out at a window saw king David dancing and playing: and she despised him in her heart (1 Chronicles 15:29, KJV).”

There is a point that jumps out from this story: People who were once madly in love with each other are capable of reaching a point in their relationship where they literally despise each other. How does this happen? The simple fact of the matter is the more intimate the relationship the more chance there is of deep and lasting conflict.

There is a principle known as the inevitability of conflict that suggests that the closer people become in a relationship the more likely conflict is to occur. Researchers Dudley Cahn and Ruth Abigail note, “The inevitability of conflict principle runs contrary to the idea that, if we look long and hard, we can find people with whom we can share conflict-free lives. It means that we should cease our efforts to find perfect people and learn how to manage the conflicts we are sure to have with those closest to us.” These social scientists are simply stating what God’s Word teaches us over and over again.

While conflict can be messy and hard to navigate there are several steps that couples can take to manage conflict in their lives in order to produce peaceful marriages that are pleasing to God, a testimony to the world, and mutually satisfying to both partners.

1. Live in light of a greater purpose

When a husband or wife understands that they belong to Jesus Christ it changes their outlook on life. This point can be easily lost on those of us who have been saved a long time. We need to be reminded that our marriage reflects the power of Christ in our life. Those who belong to Christ do not have perfect lives, but their life does have a grander purpose and a peaceful marriage is part of God’s plan.

Peaceful marriages and happy couples are important because they are a testimony to the lost world that Jesus makes a difference in one’s life. In his book, The Peacemaker, Ken Sande notes, “Conflict also provides opportunities to encourage others to trust in Jesus Christ. When you are involved in a conflict, your opponent and various bystanders will be observing you closely. If you behave in a worldly way, you will give nonbelievers yet another excuse for mocking Christians and rejecting Christ. On the other hand, if you display God’s love and respond with unnatural humility, wisdom, and self-control, those who are watching you may wonder where you found the power to behave like that, which may open the door to introducing them to Christ.” Knowing Christ and living for Him is the greatest step to a happier marriage and managing marital conflict.

2. Treat your spouse with civility

When civility is present in a relationship positive conflict outcomes are more likely. Again, Cahn and Abigail write, “civility requires that we come into the presence of others with a sense of awe and gratitude, rather than a sense of duty and obligation.” Christ expects us to respect each other and interact with kindness on a constant basis.

While there are moments of disappointment or frustration in any marriage, respect and civility should always be present. Civility is constituted by an attitude of respect toward others manifested in our behavior toward them; that respect is not predicated on how we feel about them. Civility requires that we are mindful of others around us and aware of the impact our behavior has on them. Paul instructs husbands and wives in Ephesians 5 is to love and respect one another and treat each other with same kindness that Christ expresses to the church.

3. Make more deposits than withdrawals in the relationship

Often people evaluate their relationships based on the value they find in them and that value is assessed by cost and reward ratios. William Harley, author of His Needs, Her Needs, introduces the idea of a “love bank” to illustrate this point inside of a marriage relationship: “Figuratively speaking, I believe each of us has a Love Bank. It contains many different accounts, one for each person we know. Each person either makes deposits or withdrawals whenever we interact with him or her. Pleasurable interactions cause deposits, and painful interactions cause withdrawals.”

Harley continues to propose that the account in a persons Love Bank fluctuates depending on the type of interactions he or she has with their partner. Simply put, sometimes there is a cost associated with the interaction and sometimes there is a reward associated with the interaction. It stands to reason then that each spouse in a marriage relationship should seek to add value to the other person in order to successfully navigate the complexities of conflict.

4. Work together as a team

Couples should realize that their marriage is bigger and better when the two of them work together as one unit. The Bible says, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Furthermore, there is a principle in Ecclesiastes 4 that says that two are better than one. When a man and woman unite, not just psychically, but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally they are able to better manage conflict and become stronger as a result.

5. Listen

Listening is not an easy skill but it is one that can and should be learned by all married couples. Listening communicates to your spouse that you value them as a person and as you listen and pay attention to them they are able to open up their heart. Deeper intimacy and trust are the fruits of listening. When we listen we show the other person how much we value, love, and appreciate them.

Listening is not just hearing, but also paying attention to the other person. Emphatic listening means you listen, not only with your ears, but also with your eyes and with your heart. You sense and feel what your spouse is trying to communicate to you more than just the words they are speaking.

This is the kind of listening that builds intimacy between couples and helps them work through conflict in constructive and helpful ways. Mediation lawyer, Brigid Duffield, writes, “Often, we increase conflict by talking and restating our opinions. Stop and listen to what the other person is saying. What you thought you heard may not be what they said.” Listening allows for proper reflection and understanding during communication processes.

6. Never forget the power of prayer

We believe in prayer but too often we utilize our relationship with God as a last resort. God has the ability to change the hearts of people and often He is the only and best solution to conflict management in marriage. Paul wrote to Timothy, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men… that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty to all that call upon him in truth.”

While conflict is inevitable in marriage these simple steps can help all of us have happier homes and better marriages.

Keys to a Happy Marriage

By Daniel Fleet

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Your marriage is a wonderful and unique gift that God has entrusted to you. God teaches us that the relationship you have with your spouse is to be exclusive and enjoyed! It’s easy for life to get busy, and often one of the first things placed on the backburner is our marital relationship. I want to encourage you today to stop and take inventory of your marriage and be sure that you’re doing the following:

Prioritize your marriage

Between our commitment to our kids, extended family, church, school, and work it’s easy to misplace value on the most important human relationship in our life. Coach John Wooden said, “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” It’s important to love your kids and value them, but don’t sacrifice your marriage in the process. When the marriage relationship is right the children often fall into place. Be sure that your marriage is at the top of your food chain!

Plan your marriage

Planning is a fundamental key to success. Confucius once said, “A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door.” If successful people are people who plan, why not plan your marriage?  Plan to spend time with your spouse each week, plan to say something special to them when you greet each other after work, and plan several times together throughout the year for the two of you to connect.

Protect your marriage

Make sure that your marriage is an exclusive relationship that you protect. I may be old school in my thinking but I believe that intimate conversations should be reserved for your spouse. It has been proven that self-disclosure is a gateway to intimacy. Make your spouse feel special by reserving parts of your heart only for them.

Spring is a great time of year to take stock of your marriage and recommit yourself to your spouse. Schedule a date night soon and love the mate God has blessed you with!

Seeking God in Your Marriage

By Andrew Calabrese

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Let me ask all the ladies out there a question: when you were a little girl, did you ever dream of growing up one day, getting married to the “perfect guy” with the perfect wedding, having your prince charming carry you over the threshold of the perfect house, loving you, rubbing your back, and doing all the dishes? You probably have dreamed something like that at some point or time in your life.

Now men, hopefully none of you have dreamed that before, but I’m sure you have probably dreamed of one day getting married and doing other things—several times a day. Am I right?

One more question: how many of you are still dreaming? We have a lot of expectations in our minds going into marriage, and a lot of times when we finally do get married, those expectations don’t get met. Therefore, we get disappointed, let down, or hurt.

Statistics say that about 50% of marriages that start will not make it. They will end up in divorce. Of the 50% of marriages that do make it, statistics inform us that the majority of them are miserable, have irregular intimacy or none at all, or are just sticking together for the sake of their children. With that being the case, some may pose the question, “Is a good marriage even possible?” That’s a fair question.

I believe we can draw the answer to that question from God’s Word in Matthew 22:37-39. While this passage doesn’t have to do with the marriage relationship directly, the principle we can draw from this passage can impact our marriages in a significant way if applied.

One man stated, “God is your One, and your spouse is your two.” Honestly, this is one of the most foundational principles to understand in order to have any healthy relationships. God is to be your one. When Jesus was asked in Matthew 22, “What is the greatest commandment?” Notice, He didn’t say, “Love your spouse with all your heart, soul, and mind.” What did He say? In essence, He said, “God is your One. Make Him your One.”

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,” Matthew 22:37-39.

You must always seek your One with your two. Our marriages will never be what God intended them to be unless God is our One and our spouse is our two. So often, we get this all mixed up. We make our spouse our “one,” or our kids become our “one” when that is never the spot God intended for them. We must always put God first.

How do we practically do this in our marriages? I want to suggest the best way you and your spouse can ensure you seek God in your marriage is by faithfully praying together. Some of you may get excited about this and think, “Oh! You’re asking him to pray with me?!” And others of you may be thinking, “I don’t want to pray together. I’ll get nervous; I don’t know what to say. It’s going to be awkward.” I’ll admit, it may be awkward at first, but how important is your marriage to you?

Family life did a survey years ago, and they found that fewer than 8% of Christian couples pray together regularly. They also discovered this: of those 8% that do pray together, less than 1% of those couples divorce. That’s incredible! How important is your marriage to you?

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Bible says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land,” or to loosely apply this principle, “I will heal their marriages.”

Pray together. It will strengthen your marriage. You can make it organized—set a time and a place to do this together each day. You can say a simple prayer together before either one of you leave the house for work. You can text a prayer to your spouse.

Think about the benefits this can generate. If you seek God together by praying together, God will answer some of your prayers, and that will build your faith. Beyond that, it’s really hard to fight with someone that you are praying with and for regularly. It’s hard to commit adultery or get hooked on pornography when you have consistent, spiritual intimacy with one another. I challenge you to grab the hand of your spouse sometime today and commit with them that you two will seek God in your marriage for the rest of your lives.

A Happy Marriage

By Daniel Fleet

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Have you ever seen a married couple that looked happy and content? I know I have. I have seen young, middle aged, and older couples that looked happy with their marriage and with their life. Like me maybe you wonder why they are happy. Did they get lucky and marry the “right” spouse? While some couples may be more compatible than others, the answer is a resounding no! Happy marriages happen because at least one spouse decided to take responsibility for their marriage.

Three Ways to Better Enjoy Your Marriage

by Andrew Calabrese

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My wife and I have been married for a little over a month now! Woohoo! It’s great! Whether you’ve been married for a month or several years, marriage is a wonderful entity that God designed for you and your spouse to enjoy. The sad thing is that many people in our society today are not enjoying their marriage like they once did. Even amongst believers, marriages are becoming stale and unexciting.