A Happy Marriage

By Daniel Fleet

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Have you ever seen a married couple that looked happy and content? I know I have. I have seen young, middle aged, and older couples that looked happy with their marriage and with their life. Like me maybe you wonder why they are happy. Did they get lucky and marry the “right” spouse? While some couples may be more compatible than others, the answer is a resounding no! Happy marriages happen because at least one spouse decided to take responsibility for their marriage.

Reasons You Should Smile More

By Andrew Calabrese

Hand draws smiley with black marker on transparent whiteboard

Recently, we began a lesson series in our Young Marrieds class about being positive. In our world today, it seems as if there is an epidemic of negativity. Think about it. You may find yourself around people who are always finding something to complain about. If you turn on the news, chances are in seconds you will hear a negative story unfold. Even in our own self-talk—the way we speak to ourselves—we seem to talk down to ourselves and about ourselves.