by Pastor Dorrell

There are a myriad of titles that men can have, but perhaps the greatest of them all is that of Father. Being a dad is an incredible thing, and the position brings with it great joy and responsibility.
The author of the book of Proverbs understood this responsibility when he said to one of his children (in 23:26), “My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.” That is an amazing request made by a dad to his son. Yet, it is what every dad signed up for when he made the decision to bring another life into this world.
Above and beyond all other people, a dad and mom are supposed to be the ultimate examples. The request by the proverbial father was to be the chief influence in his son’s life. Above and beyond his peers, the culture, the media, and any other influence, this dad was asking for his son’s heart. I believe that is exactly what God intends.
A child is a product of a father, biologically, and he is supposed to be a product who reflects his father’s character, passions, and heart as well. So, in essence, a dad is saying to his children, “I want you to live as I live, do as I do, and be what I am. One day, my son, I want you to love your wife the same way that I love your mother. I want you to give, serve, be faithful, and go to church like I have done before your eyes.”
When you consider that request, it should make all of us dads seriously consider the grave responsibility of being a dad. It sounds like a lot to ask, and all of us realize we are not perfect; however, imperfections aside, if we can’t be examples to our children, then who can?
There have been many times that I have not been the best example to my children, but when I became aware of it, I was quick to apologize and commit myself to doing better.
Part of being an example is being authentic, humble, and showing our children that failure is a part of life, but it can and should be overcome. Demonstrating growth and the willingness to change and do better, over the course of time that we are raising our children, will speak volumes to them.
Our children don’t need a perfect father. They just need a humble and good one. The greatest gift we can give our children is to show them how to live and navigate life. If we can show them how to love, to get along with others, to share, give, and make God the priority of our lives, then we will have fulfilled our tasks as fathers, and then we can enjoy watching them give the same gift to their children one day.
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