How’s Your Housekeeping?

by Jim Ramsey


I truly married a “Proverbs 31” woman! I love how she is so meticulous in her plan for being “a keeper at home,” and am amazed at how she keeps it all so clean and organized, in spite of frequent visits from the grandkids! It is great to never be afraid to invite someone over because of fear of a “dirty house,” but I find that my definition of “dirty” and her definition of “dirty” are miles apart! She notices little things I don’t see, and I always try to help her stay on top of things. The point is: there is a lot of effort involved in keeping a clean, well-maintained house, and the process demands consistent attention.

Such is true of our spiritual house as well! Paul reminds us (I Corinthians 6:19, 20) that our bodies are the “temple of the Holy Ghost” and that we are “bought with a price.” He admonishes us to “glorify God in [our] body, and in [our] spirit, which are God’s.” Since, by right of creation and redemption, God owns us, it behooves us to take care of His “temple,” to practice consistent housekeeping and maintenance of this “house” in which His Spirit abides.   When we are fitness conscious, taking care of the physical body as well as giving due attention to our spiritual person, God is glorified, meaning we give credence to His Person and to His presence in us! Contrariwise, a dirty, slovenly, unkempt “temple” is a poor reflection of our Savior, the One to Whom we owe our very being.

How about it? How’s your housekeeping? Are you making the effort to stay physically fit and healthy? Are you giving sufficient attention to your inner person, and maintaining a healthy relationship with God? Let’s determine to have a “house” that says good things about the God Who owns us.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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